Sunrise from Eagle Falls
Welcome to
ICOPS 2021!
The 48th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) is an annual conference coordinated by the Plasma Science and Application Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society.
The ICOPS 2021, which was originally planned to be held in Stateline, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, will now be a fully virtual conference because the safety and well-being of our conference attendees is our major priority. Such virtual conferences offer an excellent opportunity for professionals in the field of plasma science, as well as for students, for networking, presenting new results, exchanging new ideas, and making new friends from around the world while staying at your home or office without stressful, expensive, and tiresome air travel!
Our organizing committee is working very hard to expand the experience of the successful virtual ICOPS 2020 and further promote ICOPS spirit with an attractive and excellent scientific program and organization.