Conference and MiniCourse Registration Waivers
If you plan to apply for Student and Young Professional Registration Waivers, please do not register for the conference or the mini-course until you find out if you have received a waiver.
Student Registration Grants
A significant number of grants are available to encourage student IEEE members to attend ICOPS 2021. These will be in the form of waivers for (early) conference registration fees. To be eligible for these grants, applicants must be members of IEEE and NPSS.
While all students are eligible for consideration, priority will be given to students who have submitted abstracts to ICOPS 2021 as a presenter and a first author.
Applicants should submit the following information by midnight (local time) Aug. 11, 2021:
1. Copy of ICOPS abstract, if one has been submitted
2. IEEE membership number
3. Brief (one page maximum) letter of recommendation from student's advisor, stating the importance of attendance of the conference. No letter for the student presenters is required."
Create a single merged pdf file containing all the application material and e-mail it to with the subject line "ICOPS 2021 Student Registration Grant Application".
Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant
The Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant, funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, is awarded to support participation in the ICOPS 2021 Mini-course on "Plasma Spectroscopy: The Full Spectrum from X-rays to Radio Waves" and to further encourage membership in NPSS. Each grant will be in the form of a waiver for (early) mini-course registration fees.
Eligibility is limited to outstanding members of NPSS who are either student members or unemployed members needing assistance in changing career direction.
Applicants will be judged on exceptional promise as a student in any of the fields of NPSS, or exceptional work in those fields by currently unemployed NPSS members with an expectation that attendance to the Mini-Course will result in an improved possibility of obtaining a job in an NPSS field.
To be considered for a Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant, please email a brief (one page maximum) justification letter including a description of eligibility with the IEEE membership number to with a subject line of "ICOPS 2021 Paul Phelps Grant Application" by midnight (local time) Aug. 11, 2021.
MiniCourse Grants for Young Professionals
(NPSS Early Career Conference Credits)
A significant number of additional grants are available to encourage young professionals to attend the ICOPS 2021 Mini-course on "Plasma Spectroscopy: The Full Spectrum from X-rays to Radio Waves". Each grant will be in the form of a waiver for (early) mini-course registration fee.
To be eligible for these grants, applicants must be either a Postdoc or Research Associate who is within 10 years of receiving his or her last degree.
Applicants will be judged on the exceptional promise in any of the fields of plasma science with an expectation that attendance of the Mini-Course will be important for future career.
To be considered for a Young Professional Mini Course Grant, please email a brief (one page maximum) justification letter including a description of eligibility to with a subject line of "ICOPS 2021 YP Mini Course Grant Application" by midnight (local time) Aug. 11, 2021.