Plasma Science and Applications Award and Igor Alexeff Outstanding Student in Plasma Science Award are sponsored by the Plasma Science and Applications Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS).
Professor Farhat Beg (University of California San Diego) won 2021 Plasma Science and Applications Award for outstanding contributions on both laser- and Z-pinch-driven plasma physics including energetic particle production, ultra-high magnetic field generation, and the formation of well-diagnosed high energy density plasmas.
Farhat Beg is a Professor of Engineering Physics at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. He received his Ph.D. from Imperial College London. He joined University of California San Diego as a faculty in 2003. His expertise is in the field of inertial and magneto inertial fusion, laser plasma interaction, pulsed power-driven X- and Z-pinches, and neutron sources. He has published over 250 papers in refereed journals, including Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Photonics and Physical Review Letters, with total citations exceeding 9000 with and H-index of 49, according to the ISI Web of Knowledge. He is the fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He has been a winner of the Department of Junior Faculty Award (2005) and IEEE Early Career Award (2008). He was the General Chair of the International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) held in San Diego in 2009. He is the Treasurer for ICOPS 2022 to be held in Seattle, Washington.
Ms. Mei Er Pam won 2021 Igor Alexeff Outstanding Student in Plasma Science Award for the comprehensive studies (related to plasma processing) in using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for the material growth of various two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) for future applications in nanoelectronics and energy storage.
Mei Er Pam (Singapore University of Technology and Design) has been selected as the 2021 Igor Alexeff Outstanding Student in Plasma Science Award recipient for her PhD research supervised under Prof. Hui Ying Yang and Prof. Ricky L. K. Ang. Her PhD thesis provides a comprehensive study of using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and low plasma processing techniques to investigate the optimal growth conditions for various transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) materials and its subsequent applications in 2D materials based electrical contact and energy storage. The deep investigation of the CVD growth mechanism enables the controllable synthesis of various morphology, optical property, chemical behavior, and crystal quality of atomically thin TMDCs. By rationally engineering the interface and crystalline structure, the properties of TMDCs can be modulated for various applications. Dr. Pam received a Ph.D. in the Engineering Product Development Pillar from the Singapore University of Technology and Design in September 2020 and is currently a research fellow at the Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore where she is working on the development of two-dimensional layered materials to achieve novel devices for the next generation nanoscale memories technologies.
Due to a miscommunication the award was not presented at the ICOPS 2021 as it should have been and will be presented at the ICOPS 2022.
Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2022 Plasma Science and Applications Award sponsored by the Plasma Science and Applications Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS). The purpose of the award is to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of plasma science through the impact of their research, development of new applications, contributions over a technical or pedagogical career, or through professional service to the IEEE and plasma science community. The $3000 cash award and plaque will be presented at the 2022 International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). Nomination forms are available electronically at and must be submitted by October 01, 2021. Additional information can be obtained from Chao Chang, PSAC ExCom Awards Subcommittee Chair by email at
Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2022 Igor Alexeff Outstanding Student in Plasma Science Award sponsored by the Plasma Science and Applications Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS). The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding student contributions to the field of plasma science and technology. The award is open to any full time undergraduate or graduate university student in plasma science; the nominees will be judged based on their research contributions, their educational accomplishments, and the quality and significance of their publications and patents. The $2000 cash award and Certificate will be presented at the 2022 International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) . Nomination forms are available electronically at and must be submitted by October 01, 2021.
Chao Chang, Awards Subcommittee Chair for PSAC ExCom can be reached by E-mail at